Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Stepping on New Land

Today -and after a very long and tiring effort to get the group together- we got our long awaited Conversation class .

God , how happy I am!!! I thought it would be a cool class , but I also kept in mind that it might be a tremendous failure as I struggled making the games. Its haaaaard to make conversation games for Level 1!!! Each word I put looked horrifying and extremely hard.

But as the groups got together the performance of the boys astonished me!! I knew they had it in them but when I actually saw them having a Proper conversation mostly in Spanish with the Spaniards I was flying in joy inside me.

Today is the day 12 of October ,,, Dia de la Hispanidad , which is the day in which Columbus discovered America , he stepped on a new land. And so did I!!

Estoy super Orgullosa de mis niños , tengo fe en ellos y me siento muy satisfecha ... Alhamdulillah

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