Sunday, March 29, 2009

Two Great days in a row: Too Much to handle

So I am officially a "Reveru ni" Graduate. (Watashi wa reveru ni owarimashita :) And we had a cutey cute graduation party in the japanese embassy (Notice something: I have never been to an embassy!! Oh yeah .. I went to the egyptian embassy a couple of times, but SECURITY thingies were not that bizzare.. heheheh they have a steel tray where they put pencils... )

It was so simple and right to the point so they were like "you came for diplomas? here they are" It was very nice ... Students of level 5 got their diplomas from the ambassador himself.

This new ambassador gets my "Coolest Perosn with a Position Ever" reward:
Then Kazuki-san showed us how to make sushi .. he was making rice balls with his own hands and he looked just like eating Mansaf ...hehe


After handing the diplomas we had a beautiful banquet , and putting aside that I hate eating in public gatherings it was a very nice meal with good new tastes.

Something delicious (I think it has mushroom and something :)

I liked the ceiling ... its as neat as the floor (My new shoes were squeeking as if I was in basketball court ... very embaressing especially when everyone is quiet)

My dish (See the sushi? I ate for the first time with the sea weed ... its not that bad .. I might like it one day:)

Something nice that I did not get any closer to :(

The story of the cheescake:

Once upon a time there was a cheescake , nice , stuffed and yummy in a table.

Kekuchi sensei sstarted cutting the cheesecake and with time pieces bacame smaller and smaller ....And even smaller ;p

And Takwa-san broke out with her share ... heheh .. yummy

End of story.

We watched a ver nice anime movie called Neko no Ongaeshi (The cats return) ... I believe in messages Gos send through movies ... I think "It does not matter anymore" ...

The pool:

It was freezing cold but still water has its Glory (I wonder if someone ever swims there:)

The nice lobby:

Someone who looks like Sayouri-san

Two wonderful FAT toys ... At Last someone appreciates fat people (Long live FAT Paeople:)

When I left that was the first cat I saw ... I was waiting for her to stand on two and strat talking to me ... loooool



momiji said...

Very nice post Takwa san!!
It's really interesting :D
Graduation Omedetou Gozaimasu!!
Reberu san mo ganbatte ne!^^

EvaLuna said...

3an jad nice post?!$%^&^* because it has a lot of pictures it makes me dizzy ... arigatou gozaimasu ,,, fhemt aish 7aketely , golt: mabrok eta5reej o sheddy 7alek fe level 3 ... ana 9ayer sha6oor (made7 nafso sho a5baro? loooooooooool