Monday, May 16, 2011

Second Error ,,, Third time has a Charm

Again, they get to hit people just because they are stating a thought or a point of view. I cant believe that people from my own people are hitting other people from my own people , becuase those are in favor of our people in Palestine.

It just does not make sense , but anyway ,,, seeing all those young crossing the borders to get their Palestine ,,, the Palestine that belongs to each free and respectful person , this is just huge and it fills me with pride.

Enshall next years are gonna be different and Enshalla I will live to the day in which I take part in a huge thing that leads me to pray ,me and my kids in a free Aqsa Mosuqe ,,, En Allah Ala Kol Shi Kadeer ,,, Ya rabb

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