Sunday, November 23, 2008

Friday Friday...

Well , Friday is not my favorite day but still, I get to do some "fridaian" stuff that I really enjoy.

Every Friday I go with my family to our town in Irbid. We spend like an hour and a half in the car ... I enjoy spending time in moving objects listening to music and watching throughout the window.

These are the pictures I took this Friday ... next Friday I am gonna take the same pictures all over again .. looool ... I just cant get enough of these scenes.


View from car window - Jerash

Wires are always scratching the surface of the clouds!!

This is the Almond tree where my uncle Mohammad (6 months elder than me) aunt Maymona (two years elder than me) used to hang our swing ... generations and generations of swings were tied, cut ,recut and retied on this branch....

My father picking lemon climbing the stairs of the ladder. He is always picked to do these duties because he is considered the tallest.

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