Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Andaluz Accent: A fixed fact so just live with it

Yo nunca perdí el acento,
mi viejo acento del Sur,
y aunque muy lejos me encuentro
hablo y pienso en andaluz
porque me sale de dentro.

Déjame hablar como quiera,
que me exprese a mi manera
lo mismo que lo haces tú;
habla tú como prefieras
que yo hablaré en andaluz.

El nombre de Andalucía
tiene en mi pecho un altar
y una pasión encendía
que no podrás apagar
porque esa tierra es la mía.

Tu tierra me dio cobijo
cuando del Sur me alejé,
luego el destino bendijo
que fuese mía también
cuando nacieron mis hijos.

Mi acento es de Andalucía
y no lo pienso cambiar
porque a la vez cambiaría
mis señas de identidad,
mi vieja filosofía.

So ... How do I put this in a way that does not show how pissed I am?

Ok , I am a foreigner in Spain , but when I first came to this country , the first land that I stepped on was the land of Granada , I speak as the people of this city speak. It is not only that I got it automatically but I mean to speak using it, I love it , I love how it sounds , Something in my heart melts when I speak with it , when I hear myself and when I hear others using it.

When I started learning Spanish I watched a TV series that taught me half of what I know in the language, there were several characters from Madrid and one character from Sevilla ,,, She spoke the accent of Andalucia and I liked it so I picked it.

I picked it and it picked me and this is the way it is. Dear northern friends: I dont care when you say I sound latina , or when you laugh at me when I talk ,,, I dont really care , I just love it and love how connected to my Granada I feel when I speak this way ,,, so get lost and Habla tu como quieras yo hablare el andaluz ...

There is gonna be a following post about the difference between the accents , how do they sound and where o they come from.

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