Saturday, January 5, 2013

Different Kinds of Celebration

Today we got together all of us. It puts my heart at ease when I notice that we are still the same although we are three years away from university , which is the place that brought us together and gave us a reason to hang out very often.

Today we celebrated Sara's engagement and Rasha's break up. And I insist on the word "celebrated''. God knows what's better for everyone and he puts us through experiences just to teach us something. Break ups are usually sad but we sat there to let her know that we are happy for her , that she is free and available for the right man when he comes.



sheeshany said...

I liked how u pointed out how they r (both) part of the same (life) spectrum :)

Congratulations to rain and Rasha.

Rain said...

bte3rafy iny ma shoft 3areed bil 7afleh 0_O

sheeshany said...



*hands raino old pair of glasses*