Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Yesterday I had a dream

Yesternight I had a dream ...
I dreamed that while I was drying my hair with a hair dryer (which I never do) I dropped my ipod on the dryer , and it totally burned except for the usb metal plug... I tried to save it but the plastic went evaporating ,,, when I woke up and I saw my ipod It took me a minute to realize that its still there , and that it has not evaporated.

Mmmm ,,, sometimes I need to talk about my dreams, but I need not chit chat about such stuff with people who does not know me well , especially when I feel like I know what it means ,,, my ipod gives me a feeling of security that I dont need others , it burning down totally has its signs ,, i dont know exactly what the dream is trying to tell me but whatever it is Its something

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