Saturday, August 16, 2014

Follow Me: She Said Yes!

During this season of constant and endless weddings and engagement parties, the news of the "Follow Me" couple getting engaged has actually filled my heart with deep joy. 

I am personally depressed by how people around me deal with marriage as if it was the simplest of all matters. They jump into it with the least suspicions, with the least questions and with zero experience of one another. 

When I see such examples, It just restores my faith in marriage, because in those cases marriage is one station in a long path of mutual experiences and memories, it is not the "beginning" of the path, it is not the point where a wife and a husband "get to know each other".

 It is crazy, people are simply out of their minds, because if you were to establish a partnership with someone where a huge amount of money is in question, you will be investigating this partner for a while, just to make sure in which hands are you leaving your money, so why do people spend less time and effort investigating their "LIFE freaking partner". 

And here I am not speaking about love. I am not speaking about the simple thought of "if you are married to someone, then you lost all chances of ever falling in love without being a cheater" .... Ahhhh ... anyways, have a look at those beautiful memories they already shared before putting a tag on things 

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