It has been long since i last did something japanese - its almost a year now since my last class and my last japanese language effort- and I was a bit satisfied that I can understand most of the words , but even more satisfied for another thing,,, let me explain:
For a long time I have been examining my heart every once in a while , to see if the little beautiful things an still brighten my inside ,,, I check if I have a living heart or not , and seeing this movie gave me an indication that my heart is still as good as new , with the endless ability to feel flying no matter how small the details are.
Its just another japanese movie , that has all the elements that all other movies have , but they have one more especial element which is: details are a main actor.
Not every car that passes by is necessarily driven by a character that will change the story line , it just passes , the movie looks real and the lights fall and slide on the faces of the characters so they vanish shortly before they appear again.
The squeaking voice of the bikes wheel , the foot steps on the stairs and the vast horizon that I consider a carnaval of colors and a field of gasps ...
The story line is simple , although it ends in an egyptian way where lovers do get married at the end, but there was something magical ...
You know , how she found her name ahead of hers on the books she borrows from the library ,, how her reading shaped her reality and how suddenly the random smoke of her ''perfect guy'' was shaped in him .... does these things happen?
I miss Japan ...
When I started this blog , I had a chain of posts under the title ''Daydreaming of Nipon'' ... isn't it weird to miss a place that you have never been to , but it just feels right ... I will talk about this in another post but here I need to say: Whisper of the heart came on the right timing ... a breeze on the direction of my heart.
1 comment:
just a small info ..
whisper of the heart .. was and still the best Japanese movie i've ever seen ..
now for your post,
i loved every word u wrote about the movie .. u gave it another dimension .. another perspective ..
there were some scenes when u lost it .. and feel u r inside the movie .. acting like every other picture of an actor ..
one of those scenes which i think i'll never forget ..
when she brought her novel to Granpa to read it ..
she waited outside .. breathing the orange sun light if the air ..
it felt like..
she was waiting her dream, this thing is going on for.. to come true .. it was so sad, the waiting i mean .. yet it was inspiring and full of unspoken details ..
i think i'm gonna watch it again for the 6th time :d
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