Tonight Romeo , Maymonah and I we went to Cinema City and watched the new movie of Ahmad Helmi , its turning into an annual activity , whenever Ahmad Helmi has a new ovie we should all go and have the greatest time of all!!
I loved the movie for many many reasons:
1- Its a 2 hour and half movie , I love long movies , I hate it when I have to say goodbye to protagonists so I prefer to stick longer around them.
2- Ahmad Helmi - the person not the actor- has a special intelligence in being flexible , smart and give the best meaning using the least words , though the funniest words.
3- The movie talked a very tricky issue , of how we see our sense of citizenship in the arab world and how things can be really bad just because we could not find another passport.
4- The concept of ''Alhamdullilah'' which is the arabic word for : all thanks are due to God , is a concept that we have never really treated in Drama ,,, its what really makes our world different , its what makes the arab world which is poorer , more dry and less developed a happier place.
Now many people might have different opinions about this idea but I believe its true. After being for a short period in another country thats relatively richer , greener and politically more important I came to realize that our people in despite of their hard circumstances are much happier.
The concept of ''Alhamdullilah'' almost is the main feature of our community , we would always accept things that God give us , never ask why now , why this , why this much or its not more less or better. We are always embracing the gifts of God with an infinite sense of gratitude and happiness ,,, we never get mad at God , and if we do then we go repenting hardly and deeply for we know how bad that feeling is , and how disrespectful it is for the position of God in our world , life and heart.
We dont play equal with God , we understand that he is superior , powerful and almighty and so we can enjoy the little we have and compensate all the things we dont have by sticiking close to each other and sticking by the side of God , knowing that at the end He would never be unfair o r harsh on us.
This is a national arab feeling , muslims and christians , which really differs from the religious feeling I saw in Spain ,,, And here I dont want to sound judgmental but at least am talking about the people I met.
All in all I loved the movie and am looking forward to watch it again , because it has a bunch of jokes that can make me laugh more than once ,,,, I love you Ahmad Helmi :)
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