We had to go out in the worst time of the day ,it was burning hot and the traffic was scary. I have always believed that Ippo has the worst luck ever. Yes I believe in luck , not only because the Quran says so , but there are people who simply has no luck and every aspect of their life can turn into something surprisingly complicated.
First we got stuck on our way to the airport. She wanted DVDs of the songs of Toyoor Eljanneh , I went to the shop and he did not have any - who does not have any Toyoor Eljanneh!! - then when we got to the airport there were no luggage trolleys! When did the airport ever run out of trolleys!!
Her bag was creepy, it could actually fit a dead man. She pumped every one on her way , I know she is the biggest cluts on earth , but she was terribly pumping into people. I tried to take a picture of her with her Nokia phone and it just would not take it!! Nokia phones are so simple , everybody knows how to deal with , but this specific phone got stuck!
She got in and we sat outside waiting for her to give us a call that everything is ok so we can leave peacefully.
I had a novel in my hand , and I sat reading , listening to the announcements "Dear passengers of flight number ***** please head toward gate number *** " and then the sweet sound of end of announcement... The sweet noise of Queen Alia Airport ,,,, The people walking in all directions looking like every type of person that might cross your mind ,,, the rounded trash bins,,, the trolleys,,, the air hostesses , the pilots and the maintenance staff with their blue pullovers. The kiosk with its ugly postcards and ridiculously expensive souvenirs... I love everything about Queen Alia Airport ...
Ever since I was so young I cherished the magical times we got to spend around the airport,, we dreamed of taking a plane and looking to the world from a bird eye view , and then go to very far places where people talk some other thing than our Arabic ... It was a dream ,,, a big and far one ,,,, I just love it there.
But you cant go on enjoying yourself for a long time ,, she called and said some gibberish - she did not learn any arabic in 2 years- and then she went home with us!! because she could not communicate with the officers and being the clumsy she is she wasted the time and the plane took off without her!!
I just dont feel like adding anything ,,, this sucks!!! IT brings back ugly memories!!
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