I came across this interesting article about a program held in the prisons of United Arab Emirates.
Prisoners get to shorten their sentence by memorizing chapters of the Holy Quran!!
This is just Smart,,, It reminds of how my school used t motivate us in all possible ways to memorize Quran , and by the end of our senior year 90 of 160 students of my class have had memorized the entire Quran from cover to cover - including myself of course!!- . There is nothing in the world - NOTHING- compared to that.
I would have said that memorizing Quran should not be the way by which prisoners would shorten their sentences, bt after having lived more than 11 years with the long , tiering though deep experience of living with the Quran and challenging it , reading and understanding it there is something you that changes for ever.
There is a bond between you and God that you can see in everything , your luck , you r abilities and the way people embrace your ideas and welcome your existence among them. It light , and here i am not talking science fiction , but the true fact of the things you learn with Quran , determination , hard work , concentration , commitment and most of all the sense of Gods observance among all of your acts.
As proud as I am for having Quran inside my chest , my heart and memory I am proud of the government of United Arab Emirates for its great investment in the heart and the mind of its prisoners , that leads to a great investment in their own society.
Thumbs UP :)
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