Its a weird combination of things to do , you cant diet while you learn how too cook , but there is no time to do each a time. I never cooked before , and when I say never I mean NEVER so for the last few days I have been cooking my diet food while my mother and the maid do the other cooking.
It was very enjoyable and liberating, How is that? Well , you get to chose what to eat, and you dont wait for others to offer you things , you just do things for yourself which is strongly liberating:)
So ,,, following my new hobby I watched some shows in Fatafeet channel which is the only arabic channel specialized in cooking ,,, I came across a very enjoyable episode of ''Jamie's great escape '' where Jamie goes to a monastery in Farfa - Italy following the reputation that monastery cooking , vegetables and wines are the best.
When he gets there he finds that the monastery that used to have 80 monks now only has 6 and that the herbs garden has died. And the most important part: There cooking is bad and there food is nothing tasty so he decides to teach them to cook.
He cooks with the youngest monks on the side of the road and then he teaches the elder monks to cook in a very festive ambient that makes everyone happy.
I loved the episode but what bothered - and will always bother me- how lack of happiness is connected to religion. The way Jamie was treating the monks, being extra polite because he is silently judging them inside his head and claiming that he knows what they are going through , and that he lives a better life just because he is not that religious.

He told them that his kitchen is his altar and it s the most important thing in his life ,, Ok , we are happy for you , we watch you show , but you cant just mock peoples lives just because you worship your daily rhythm.
The show is just perfect , cooking with Jamie is just perfect but media would never waste a chance to make religion look bad, not a chance!!!
Buen Apetite
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