And When I say thrilled I mean "Adrenaline" is all over my blood!!!
I just received a very nice email from a girl to whom I sent before asking her if I can rent a room in her house in Granada.
Well I have not said much about my search for the "Perfect Apartment" in Granada , but for the last two three weeks , I have been spending 3 to 4 hours a DAY looking through ads of apartments in Granada looking for something adequate for my needs. Sending emails to every address and not getting much of attention from almost everybody.
I started to get a little bit depressed and the other day I saw a very nice ad for a house in Albayzin - which is a magical neighborhood in old Granada- with a lot of plants , two spanish girls , who stated that they want someone 28 years old or more , who love plants , loves to share and said: someone special!!
I was like: mmmm , thats what I was looking for , an amazing house , with people who bother to write a couple of good words in their ad, spanish girls , clean house and the most important thing: people who are willing to share life together , not to live as separate islands in the same sea.
I sent them, and stopped looking ... I have had it with the boring looking process. I wrote to them that I am not 28 but if its peacefulness what they are looking for then I am a muslim girl who wont be turning your house into a living party, I am clean , I am serious , I will come to Granada to work on my Spanish language level , I am never drunk and I love to share.
Two days later - which is today - they sent me a letter saying that its ok that am not 28 as long as I am as peaceful as I say I am. They said that I am the type they are looking for , but - there is always a but!- they dont think that the room will not be rented during the 2 months left before I arrive!!
They gave me a detailed address and when I looked it up from google maps , I realized that the house is situated on the hill that over looks the most amazing view in Granada ,, No not Alhambra , its Arco Elvira - which I love more than my own children- its the exact hill where I stood many times , looked at the houses and sighed to myself: how lucky are those people who can wake up everyday and see THIS from there windows!!!!
So i sent them back a BEGGING email not to rent the house to anyone before I come , or to rent it for a short period until I arrive. I am following my heart , It feels perfect ,,,, Is not just wonderful when you feel that you can be THAT passionate about something?!!!
Please God , et this house be mine if you know thats its best for me ,,, I trust you :)
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