I got to know a girl , her name is Maria - from the cave house- and we clicked , so we decided that we are gonna look together for a house as soon as I get to Spain.
Yesterday Mohammad - my dearest friend from my first scholarship- sent me telling me that he and the Jordanian guys are leaving there old house and he was wondering if I wanna take with the Jordanian girls of this years scholarship and I was like: Nooooooooooooooooooooo...
I like them but I barely know them and I would like to fight with native speakers so I turned down his offer.
Today in the Iftar Rasha and Aliet told me that University of Granada has eliminated the residency part from the scholarship and that now they are going to search for a house or just forget about the scholarship!!1 I was like No no nonooooo dont do that to me , I cant - well I can but its gonna be horrifyingly lonely- and I thought about Mohammads offer.
We called him, and suddenly we decided that we are gonna live the three of us in the house with Maria if she is Ok with it, and so we will keep the company of a nice native speaker and we will have each other.
We will fight , that I am sure about , but then its gonna be amazing!!! In one house doing our stuff and keeping our money for nice trips ... It so God damn cheap!!!
Wow!!! I have a good feeling ,,,
Ya rab :)
walek r7 enkayyef insha'Allah
It will B so much fun stayin up late together watchin TV while eating food :DDDD
and then lookin at each others picture..we took during the day :D
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