Thursday, February 6, 2014

What Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast: MUCH!

Listen to this
Or Read it

I must have listened to this article almost 5 or 6 times, one of them with Uncle Wael (whom I have always considered as the person with the toughest willpower I ever knew).

It is always good to find an article like this one, that would motivate you to become a person - as my Mom says - "Worthy of the life you were given".

But at this point of my life, I needed a pat on my shoulder, because I have NEVER came close to fully enjoy my potentials and my energy as I am doing now.

It was a very very personal and surprisingly weird motive. After all those years of procrastination love came and gave me the slap that I have always needed!

I never thought I would say this, but: My name is Evaluna, and I was down with love.

I realized this fact the hard way. I suddenly felt like I no longer have a life of my own, that I postponed all the things I consider important to me and finally I reached a point where I was subconsciously sabotaging my relationship.

By then, I had THE TALK with B-san, my wise and 6 years elder great friend. She put me on the couch in their salon and bombarded my laziness camps with a motivating discourse about "focus".

 She must have said the word "focus" over 20 times. And as she knew me very well she, she was able to make a mental list of the things that I have to work on, translation, interpretation, Spanish, Russian, reading, saving money, going to the gym, solving my obesity problem and work on my writing.

Those have always been my priorities, but this word had a vague meaning apparently! Because in spite of them being priorities I barely did anything about them.

I wasted money although I made a lot of it. I started books and did not actually finish them. I started writing novels and I left them halfway. I always registered in gyms and stopped going after a week or two. I wasted time on the internet. I left hard things and took simpler tasks.

And Suddenly: I simply STOPPED.

I deactivated my Facebook account two months ago, and in that moment I said to myself -for the very first time- it might be for good this time.

I started going to the gym. I have been going for a month now. Every SINGLE day, no excuses accepted. I assigned time of pure solitude for reading, writing my diary, and working on a writing project.

Now I wake up earlier even on Fridays, and finding this article randomly looked like a cosmic sign of approval for the change I achieved after almost 19 years of trying.

Now the real challenge is to keep up the good work. I won't be making any promises to myself, but at least now I know that willpower has a muscle, and after I got it tough and hard it would be so heart breaking to let wither again.

Here are some quotes that I liked and posted on my Instagram:

"Willpower," Baumeister and co-author John Tierney write, "like a muscle, becomes fatigued from overuse."

People who were serious about exercise did it in the mornings. At that point, emergencies had yet to form, and they would only have to shower once. As Gordo Byrn, a triathlon coach, once told me, "There's always a reason to skip a four o'clock workout, and it's going to be a good reason, too."

P.S: Well, I hate that there is no embedding option on Umano, but this could be modified in future versions of on of the most useful applications in the history of AppLandia :p 

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