I dont know , I thought I should post something in my blog about this , although its stupid , but the main purpose of this blog is to make a back-up for my 128 mb memory.
I am having a crush!!! I have them all the time - actually I can remember very fews eras in my life when I was not having one- and this one is an intentional crush to go through the summer course, but suddenly its slipping from my hands!!!
Its not that I am falling in love - I formerly said that I never had fallen in love - but I just love the flood of adrenaline in my blood when I am about to see him , and that vast funny feeling in my stomach when he disappears ...
Mostly I love how serious I act around him that people are taking a horribly inaccurate impression about me,, they think that I am a HARD WORKER !! Is not that just funny ? ,,,,
I love Jordan Studies class ,,, its GREAT
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