I just came back from hunting a Nazari palace here in Granada , I was fasting so I ate - a lot!!- and I am really thinking about not going anywhere to see the new years celebratoin ,,,, I guess i am gonna take a nap and then go eat grapes infront of the municipality of Granada and call the night off.
Happy new year folks ... although it gets old over the years!
When I am wide awake I get sometimes the urge to cry loudly ,, you know Not the gasping and sniffing crying but the loud crying with huge huge amounts of air sucked in after each round.
I rarely get to do this during the day , but sometimes I wake up and find that my subconscious has done it on my behalf: my pillow is full of eyeliner. Thats not sad by the way , its the most normal thing when you wish to have things you will never ever have ..
The hardest of all that it is not that somebody is holding you back , its YOU who does not accept it.. Its nice to have principles but sometimes - at some hard evil times- you just wish that a miracle would have the kindness to come and ease your ethical torture ...
I wish I can say more, but I am just wishing that this will pass ... I am looking forward to the day when I look back at now and say: Oh,, that was stupid!! ... but what hurts the most that NOW you have to leave behind you the dearest face you ever saw ... Now thats really sad!
Just came across a Spanish series that tells the love story between two women!!! Never been disgusted more in my life!! Yeah yeah call me homophobic , but its extreme YUCK!!
Yesterday I joined the group a little late (one hour 20 minutes late)(thats not a 'little'!) .. Andres brought me the book he told me about but he kept obessesing about where should I put it , how should I hold it and how should I treat it ... God its so much fun watching him obsees!!! (its so much fun watching him only ,,, you know , because he looks like someone!! ) ...
And yeah , one important thing: You know when you feel like you needed a video camera to show you how stupid did you look at the time? ... Antonio came to pick me from the cathedral pavement and we crossed the street in a place that has no pedestrians path , and with the accident that happened to my friends the day before I froze, and did not want to look to my left so I will not look to death in the eye!!! heheheh , obviously I managed to cross the street and get home in one piece.
Its funny really that I always pay attention to the name of the places where we go and sometimes take a picture of the sign , but yesterday I did not know the names of the two places we went to. One of them has stalls so it hurt me legs!! I felt like dangling from the ceiling but I loved everything , the waiter who speaks english and helps with the conversation and the other waiter who gives a wink with his right eye after each sentence he says.
We were sitting on two tables and the place was so loud so the conversation was divided in two groups ... I loved everything especially when I first came in and they were all drinking something and they told me guess what are we drinking , I was like: What? they said: orgasmo and I was like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what the hell!!! (This is one of the scenes when my mind opens a theater curtain, music rolls dom dom dom dom and I play the scene again but in JORDAN ... I am sitting with friends , let say in jabal amman , I say what are you drinking? they say: Orgasm... I might really and actually pass out!!) but I laughed, you know its fun , just fun.
The group in the first place ,,, the new guy is Alberto , one more wonderful addition to the group
I just paid attention to the shirt colors!! Is he a barcelona dude? ... Andres posando como un nino mimado ,,, guapooooooo
La chica mas guapa de toda españa ... Puri :)
Thats the ¨Torro¨in the second place we went to (we just crossed the street and entered the first place we found) ... well this place was a little different of all the places I have been to before , its called ´Bodega¨ ,, its a type of place were people eat and drink standing up!! it had a lot of Pig meat hanging from the ceiling and barrels of wine and beer so I felt funny at the beginning but I thought "If friends did not get me in here I would never know what is inside, and i will keep wondering" ...
I have a feeling with this entire experience in process that I am a child who is entering a new world , with all the sets of things this world has ,,, It just shocked me that people eat standing up , but what startled me more when Javier took his wine glass as we left!!
I thought "Maybe its the habit around here ,, you pay for a glass and you can take it home!" I asked him if he has paid attention that the cup was still in his hand , he said its a protesting gesture, as the owner of the bodega kicked everyone out before he could take the time to finish his drink... Smart!
Then , in front of a yellow mail box he put the cup and kept walking .. I thought to myself " We should have broken the cup ,, throw it toward the wall and listen to the sweet voice of glass crashing,,, Very mean?" ...
Yeah i know , I might be an "action seeker" I like to see things crashing , breaking , exploding ,I love abnormal things , and thats exactly what happened today but in the least way expected ... I have heard much about people finding friends with whom they "click" .. you know how wonderful the expression is? "Click" ,, connect with no effort,, sometimes I look to everything and feel like the whole world is a chess board where chess pieces are being moved by a higher power .. Thats Allah who has put Javier in my way , so we would talk about things I never thought I will talk about.
Am not trying to recall the conversation because its kept in me for its too important , but we talked about God , Jesus , Mary , Purity , Love , freedom .. even smokers right to be treated equally as non-smokers ... Sometimes there are things that happen and give you the feeling that all what you lived before was just an introduction!! What are the odds that you will find a TRUE friend in a stand up bar in a far far city called Granada in a far far country called Spain!!
Gran via was totally deserted ,, no body left except for us ,,, and under the green light of the traffic light I was so happy , I felt like dancing , Frank Sinatra was prancing inside my head singing "Strangers in the night" ... What does a person who met you twice know about you? still , thats the best kind of strangers in my eyes ... Gracias amigo :)
You know the moment when I get inspired? I just feel like i am gonna study it all in one blow...
I grabbed my japanese books , laptop , camera and coffee mug and went down to the cafteria, Just for a change.
Scene 1: Takwa san studying like a good girl ... listening to Cat Stevens
Scene 2: Takwa gets a little bored m a guy and a girl are sitting in the next table so to make a conversation Takwa san waves "Got a cigarette?" and they are like yessss , were are you from? what do you study? you are muslim? Jordan? oh yeah petra and the conversation rolls.
Scene 3: The guy "Fran" tells me that his parents are divorced , his mum is a french plastic surgeon who owns 3 clinics in Spain and works in New york were he lived for 17 years (and still speaks funny english) .
Scene 4: Fran says that boobs made of silicon dont feel as good as real boobs!!!
Scene 5: He holds on a bit and then says: I love your eyes!! another moment passes and he says: Can I have them?!!!
Scene 6: Fran says: I know jordan , there you are not allowed to drink but you can marry 4 women... is it the same Jordan I know?
Scene 7: Mami (The girl) tells him that if you are just gonna go on cheating on your girl friends then marrying four woman is a batter option.
Scene 8: Fran tells Mami: Will you come to my house? Mami looks at me and says: He is such a peg!
Scene 9: Fran shows me a tatoo with the inicilas of the girl he really loved , her name is Mami! Mami tells me that she is 21 and has been in a relationship for 5 years, her man is in Germany now , i ask her whats his name? she says: Fran!!!!!!!
Scene 10: Mario enters the Cafeteria like a thunder storm while Fran and Mami are talking m he sits next to me and says: Are they in love?!!
Scene 10: A friend of Fran and Mami comes along ,, Hi my name is Christine,,, I am Takwa nice to meet you ,, and she says: Do you have an ad on the web for arabic classes? I am like "What the hell!! how do you know?" she says "I contacted you 3 months ago" ... PS: I was in Jordan 3 months ago!!
A group of boys come in to play with this ugly baby foot ,, and God there goes the yelling the thumping the kicking and ohhh yeah the Cursing!! Each and every curse i have ever learned in the Castellan language was said over and over , meanwhile Mario was fighting with Fran over who is more important Economics (Frans major) or Political sciences (Marios major) ... I wanted to stick their tongues to the ceiling .
The storm passes and I am safe for a while , Comes lujain , Goes , Mario is back after loading the washing machine with Esther and Antonio ,,, Antonio is a wonderful boy from Cordoba who is weird to be seen with Mario!! The biggest mouth on town!!
Scene 11: Mario asks if I have hair!! Then if he can see it!! Mami is just staring incapable to utter a word infront of those two lunatics ...
They go ...
Back to Scene 1: Takwa san is studying like a good girl
Scene 2: I feel so miserable and alone ... I wish they would come back ,, I think of Mom , no one is as true as she is , the world just does not feel right ,, no one really cares for me ,,, my true friends are somewhere behind facebook , they are unreachable,,, I have never felt totally and thoroughly like an ISLAND before..
Scene 3: I collect my stuff and leave the cafeteria , I find shurook so we go in together , 3 persons are waiting for the elevator (never happened before) so we take the stairs (Hell never happened before) ,,, and when we are one floor away from our rooms I find that girl , an asian girl I saw this morning in breakfast and did nit get the guts to ask her if she is japanes ... I stop and ask her in spanish if he is japanese m so she replies in english that she does not speak spanish , I repeat the question in english and he tells me no I am chinese , I teach chinese
Scene 4: I am in her room helping her translate a survey from chinese to english to spanish!! I can tell what is the word before she translates it because the kanjis have the same meaning as in japanese !!!
Scene 5: I am eating chinese sweets made from beans.
Scene 6: Xing Ling her name means : Heart and Soul!!
Scene 7: She tells me that she feels lonely and frustrated in Spain , she is afriad to go out and get lost then not find one person who speaks proper english to help her ..
Scene 8: We are making plans for two weekends!!
Scene 9: She asks how does it feel to have a religion and love a God
Scene 10: She leaves my room after I gave her a map of Granada and I tell her pointing to myself: You have family here.
God Bless Asia, nothing like the madhouse of Europe!!
Its early to say so but i have Family here ... Xing Ling Sye sye (Thank you in chinese)
A Linguist: simultaneous interpreter, translator and a foreign languages teacher. Spanish is the apple of my eye and Russian is my current purpose in life.