Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thinking about Diana

I could not help but remember her beautiful face. When I think of her I just feel that money, power and fame are nothing when a woman is not loved.

When Fathers give away their little girls

Each time I see a father giving away his daughter to another man to be his lawfully wedded I just feel like crying infinitely.

Fathers ,,, those amazing men who give everything , above all: They give love and the main manly figure in a girls life.

Fathers who tend to believe that they are the one and only men in their daughters life , and keep believing that even meanwhile they are walking their ¨forever little girls¨ to the altar.

To all fathers , and specially my great own father: Dont ever mind , your share of my love is never to be proportioned with anybody , and as all other love relations are things that happen in life , you Dad is a fixed fact , a fixed factor ,,, a factor that defines me and makes me proud in each and every moment.

To Najeh Masadeh who always fears that far away day , I send all my love :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Some Phony forwarded email actually makes sense :)

نقاط مهمة تَغير حَياتك للأجمل خلال 2011 :
1- خصص من وقتك 10 إلى 30 دقيقه للمشــي. . و أنت مبتسم. 2- اجلس صامتاُ لــمدة 10 دقائـــق يـــومياُ 3- خصص لنومك 7 ساعات يوميًا 4- عش حياتك بــثلاث أشياء : (( الطاقة + التفاؤل + العاطفة )) 5- العب ألعاب مسلية يوميًا 6- اقرأ كتب أكثر من التي قرأتها سنة 2010 7- خصص وقتًا للغذاء الروحي : (( صـــلاة ,, تسبيــح , )) 8- اقض بعض الوقت مع أشخاص أعمارهم تجاوزت الـ 70 سبعين عام ,, و آخرين أعمارهم أقل من 6 أعوام 9- احلمأكثر خــلال يقظتك 10- أكــــثر من تناول الأغذية الطبيعية ,, و اقتصد من الأغذية المعلبة 11- اشرب كميات كبيرة من الماء 12- حاول أن تجعل 3 أشخاص يبتسمون يوميا 13- لا تضيع وقتك الثمين في الثرثرة 14- انس المواضيع ,, ولا تذكر شريكة حياتك بأخطاء قد مضت لأنها سوف تسيء للحظات الحالية 15- لا تجعل الأفكار السلبية تسيـــطر عليك .. و وفر طاقتك للأمور الإيجابية
16- اعلم بأن الحياة مدرســـة .. و أنت طالب فيــها .. والمشاكل
عبارة عن مسائل رياضية يمكن حــلـــها 17- كل إفطارك كــالـملـك .. و غداءك كـالأميـــــر .. و عشـــاءك كـالفقيــــــر .. 18- ابتسم .. واضحك أكــــثــــر 19- الحياة قصيرة جــــدا .. فـــلا تقضـــها في كـــــره الآخرين 20- لا تأخذ (( جـمـيـع )) الأمور بجــديــة ..{ كــن سـلـسـا و عـقـلانـيـا } 21- ليــس من الضروري الفوز بجميع المناقشات والمجادلات ... 22- انس الماضي بسلبياته ,, حتى لا يفسد مـــســـتــقــبــلك 23- لا تقارن حيــاتك بغـــيرك .. ولا شريكة حياتك بالأخريـــــات .. 24- الوحيـــــد المســـؤول عن سعـــادتك (( هو أنــــــت !! )) 25- سامح الجميع بدون استثناء 26- ما يعتقده الآخرون عنـــك .. لا عــــلاقة لك بـــه 27- أحــســن الــظــن بالله . 28- مهما كانت الأحوال .. (( جيــدة أو سـيـئـة )) ثق بأنها ستتغـــــير 29- عملك لن يعتني بك في وقت مرضك . بل
أصدقاؤك.. لذلك اعتـــن بــهــم 30- تخلص من جميع الأشياء التي ليس
لها متعة أو منفعة أو جمـــال على طول 31- الحســد هو مضيعة للوقت
(( أنت تملك جميــــع احتياجاتك )) 32- الأفـــضــــل قادم لا محالــــة بإذن الله . 33- مهما كان شعورك .. فلا تضعف ..
بل استيقظ.. و انطلق .. 34- حاول أن تعمل الشيء الــصحيح دائماٌ 35- اتصل بوالديك ... وعائلتك دائـــماُ
36- كن متفائــــلاٌ . وســـعـــيدا .. 37- أعط كل يوم .. ... شيئا مميزاٌ وجيـــدًا للآخرين .. 38- احــــــفـــــظ حــــــدودك .. 39- عندمـــا تستيــــقظ في الصبــــاح .. و أنت على قــيد الحياة ..
فاحمد الله على ذلك.. وكن نشيطا

Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Facebook Profile Picture: The dominating idea of the phase

As I am always up to something , and as thats always displayed on my facebook profile picture I will post in the blog my profile picture and the note under it...anyways nobody ever pays attention to the important things I post on facebook , its just another dumpster of Ideas !!

Who ever said its about winning? Its about the infinite pleasure of football and about the true brotherhood between those respectful men.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Good Guys Win At The End

I am the happiest on Earth ,,, Tonight Barcelona won 2-0 and on Santiago Bernabeu ,,, Pepe got a red card and xxx Drum Roll xxxx Mourinho got a red card and was sent out to the stands !!!!

Football was fair tonight and the good guys won at the end. Enough , enough of Real Madrid defensive and boring games , and enough of them pushing Barcelona's players around and not being punished for it.

Watch Messi Magical touch ,,,, God how much I adore him!!!!!

And this is a very nice video in which I was tagged in facebook ,, If I can only draw that good ,,I would show my love to my great great Barcelonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I hate Mourinhio ,,,Thanks Crackovia :)

I hate Mourinhio , or maybe I dont. But I am so thankful to Crackovia - a Tv show- for making this video. Sometimes laughter is a good way to blow some steam.

Becker talks about God!!!

So what is the deal with the scenarists ? Everyhting goes in the direction of atheism and suddenly they come up with an episode like this one , why?

I am not questioning the good intentions of th writers , I wont even say that believing in some God is good -dare I say so?!- but I feel that all means of media and mass communication go in the direction of Non-God Non-power , then how and why does episodes like these pass to the audience?

Funny question is not it?

New Banner

I realize that this is a beautiful world ,when I find a man who looks even more handsome as he Speaks ... Pep Guardiola: You are the Dream

Monday, April 25, 2011

International Sex Tension

I liked this episode of Becker ,what is it with the obsession with sex? I always thought that it was a media production , that has nothing to do with the real world , but taking one steo closer to the society in which I am living , I came to realize that its so true!!! Is it normal?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

In the memory of April 24 2011: My First Entire day in Bed EVER!

For the first time in my life , I spent an entire day in bed. I did not have plans and did not feel like making any. The dog was somewhere in the house and it was an extra factor of why I dont want to get out of my room. My tummy hurt and I was powerless so I just laid in bed and watched Becker , read and wrote all day long.

I am not sure I like the idea , I felt guilt -of course- at some point , but why not? Today I dont feel like doing anything.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Semana Santas Side walk food

Maybe one of the best parts of semana santa is the street food. My CLM teacher told us that people has to eat because they are in the street all day ,and I was like "God , he is exaggerating" but it turned out to be true ,,, everyday I am 6 to 10 hours out on the street going from a procession to another , making connections between the streets and taking pictures , and there came the moments in which I was HUNGRY!!! it has always been amazing to find the stands on the side walk selling candy apples ... I dont know of they taste that well , but eating my apple at the end of each day was my reward for all the walking , it made me stupidly Happy!!

And the roast potato is another story ,,, they sell it with salt, pepper , mayonase , ketchup , tuna olives , carrots and cheese. Eating that throughout the week made me wish that semana santa would never end ,,,, ahhhhh
Look how happy I am , but I hated how the children looked at me though hahahahahah

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Negra Sombra: A Tv moment

Tonight after i came back from the procession I sat to watch Cuentame -my best Spanish Tv show of all times- and in this episode Grandma Pura the mother of Antonio dies.

Grnadma pura was a very unpleasant person , who always had a different logic ,,, reasonable but different , and her character always tended to piss me but when she died calling the names of all her children who were killed i the Spanish civil war I got the chills ,,, In he background they played this song "Negra Sombra". The Black Shadow ,,, its a song in galician language that speaks about nostalgy , sadnees , missing ,, a very very sad song in the very touching galician language played along with the scene of death ,, they got me crying in front of a Tv.

Virgin de la Aurora: The still beauty

First I must say that I am so proud of this photo. Although the reason why its so good is that the procession of this particular Virgin did not go out due to rain. Pictures in Semana Santa are frustrating me , because streets are crowded , people pass from infront the camera and taking photos of moving objects in the dark is just a pain.

A friend told me that Virgin de la Aurora is the most beautiful statue of all , and I only realized that when I entered today to the church to see the statue inside. It was so sad inside , the little kids who were supposed to go out in the procession were crying. But the Virgin was so nice and glowing ... the sadness in her face is just a very fine piece of art.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Tears of the Faithfuls in Seville

Más vídeos en Antena3

Its started raining in the region of Andalucia as it was predicted a week ago. The rain led to the cancellation of some very important processions in Sevilla and int his video you can see people crying in the streets , longing to see Jesus and Virgin Mary , and mourning an entire year they spent practicing for a procession that was cancelled in the last moment.

It touches my heart how religious the people of Sevilla are!! Enshalla it would not rain here

Cristo de los Gitanos: Give your faith 3 hours please!!

Todays procession is one of the most processions of Granada. Its the procession of Jesus of the gypsys , it takes place every year in the gypsy neighborhood "Sacromonte". Sacromonte is a mountain that derives from cuesta del Chapiz -the route to Albayzin- and although the itinerary of the procession was relatively long but it was soooooooo full of people that it was so disgusting!!!
What happened is that Barcelona - Real Madrid game ended and people got out of the bars and went to the procession. Not only that but they brought with them there liquor , beverages and marijuana. It was a total botellon instead of a religious act , an act that I have longed for because everyone said that the gypsys are faithful and they love Jesus and Virgin Mary way much more than all other people.

Look how crowded was the street!! Sadoof and I kept climbing up the mountain looking for a an empty spot , and the further we went the later we were to see the procession , but we did not care , we wanted to live the experience anyway, so we found a spot and sat. A group of Spanish guys and girls stuffed themselves next to us and started smoking marijuana ,,, that until a neighbor from above started pouring Vodka on us!!! Why is that? how impolite is that in the passions week!!!
I loved this scene so I took this so blurry picture. Its of a man sleeping on the side walk with his two kids sleeping on his lap waiting for the statue if Jesus and Virgin Mary to pass. They woke up happily when the procession arrived ,,, I think there are still some religious Spanish ,, alahmdullilah
This is the processions leader who guides the costaleros to where they should head .
The statue of Jesus.
The statue of Virgin Mary when it first showed up in the horizon ,,,, The gypsy's got so emotional when they saw her. They looked to the audience in disgust -and they have all right to do so - because the audience was mainly drunk and indifferent (I just wonder why did not they just go their Discotheques and leave this ''show'' for the believeres?!!) I felt deeply insulted of how the procession turned to be at last ,,, as a believer I did not want those people turning a religious assembly into a joke , but what can I do?!!

But in spite of all that I spent some great time , I ate potato on the side walk , I got to meet some nice people , I got home at 6 o'clock in the morning (never been out that late!) and I got to see Alhambra with its lights totally off ,,, How come its also breathtaking when its totally black?

It was some magical night ,,, alhamduillah

I Hope Real Madrid would disappear from the face of Earth

I hate being hateful ,,, I hate hating , but I cant help it , I hate Real Madrid ,,, something inside me dies each time I think of Real Madrid ,,, I cant believe they won!!! Oh My God , thats preposterous , disgusting , surprising , unbelievable , shocking , sad ,,, I hate them I hate them I hate them Oh My God I cant imagine I am that capable to hate them!!!!!

Thats my roommate and me preparing before the game ,,,,
Thats the bar where I watched the game ... I was sitting in the balcony, should not do that again , I wanted to throw myself down in disgust when the disgusting creature of Cristiano Ronaldo scored!!! ... If only it was anybody but him!!! I can hate anybody as much as I hate him Godddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

I Wish Real Madrid would rot in hell ,,,, they are impolite , their coach is Rudeness impersonated , they pushed , hit and yelled at Barcelona players ,,, what did Barcelona players do in return? They just shut up and wait for justice but the referee is Ok with those assholes hitting Villa and picking him from the floor in the rudest gesture I have ever seen!!! I hate Real MAdriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid

All the time I need to be the translator I want to be

I was worried ever since I came to Spain this time that I might have to rush my classes in order to be able to graduate as soon as possible.

A few days ago I had a mini heart attack thinking that I am gonna graduate in 7 months , and by then I am supposed to have a great level in Spanish ,,, a level of a person who has a BA in Spanish for Gods sake.

I knew I was not ready , I knew I needed more time , only to read , and look up words from the dictionary.

Out of the sudden Mama says: why dont you study two normal semesters next year instead of a summer semester and a crazy 21 credit hours first semester ...

I felt a relief that I cant describe ,,, i never thought my own Mama would make such a seggestion ,,, we all have grew up a lot during those years , we are no longer sticking to the pattern .

I am relieved and I love my Mama.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Another dog!! Ya wlad sh7ebar!!!

I am beyond disgusted an mad. For the second time in 2 months my roommates bring a dog home. This time they found him abandoned in a highway. They brought him to look for a family that would adopt him.

Lets just skip the part where I dont agree with the words ''abandoned'' and ''adopted'' ,, lets skip to the part where I feel totally helpless , insulted and mad. They did not bother to ask if I am ok with it or not. It was a given fact , the dog is here until further notice. What annoyed me more is that my roommate who brought him did not start searching for adopters immediately , she went to her parents house for the holiday of Semana Santa and postponed the search until later.

What is Later , when there is a muslim and a dog in the same tiny urban apartment?!!

I did not want to make about religion , I just thought: what if I was allergic to dogs , would they have done the same ? why does it bother me to think that they think that religion is negotiable!

They asked me If I want him to stay in the balcony and I said yes. He shall stay there until God knows when , but he is not to be let inside the house as long as I am in it.

This sucks , this is disgusting , this smells like urine and I cant process it inside my mind in any way.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Semana Santas Videso :)

Here is a bunch of videos I made during the first days of Semana Santa ... Its so sad that the best videos cant capture what I saw with my own eyes ,,,, Its just amazing , how the music comes crashing inside he soul and the step of the penitentes ,,, ts just great ...

In this video I could see the change of Costaleros. The Costaleros are the people who left the statue on their shoulders , people told me that the coastaleros change because they cant keep going during a lot of time -of course they cant , one statue weighs something between 4 to 6 tons!!- and here I saw them coming from under the statue and being substituted by others.

In this video we can see the last part of the ceremony of the first day. The statue entered the cathedral , and before it passed from one big important audience - I think they were important because they had chairs and all - there was the prayer ¨¨Our Father¨¨ , the last ''Levanta'' and then the statue entered the temple.

''La Levanta'' is a movement in which the costaleros rock the throne -that has the statue on top of it- ... its so hard , so tricky , and everytime they rock the throne I just go: Oleeee Oleee Oleeee ... the guide of the throne hits a bell three times and then says oleee , and when they hear him the costaleros rock the throne.
Each levanata is dedicated to somebody ,,, one of the levantas that I heard the guide when he was addressing it,it was dedicated to the people who are struggling with economical problems .. God, they do need it ....

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Que Culpa tiene el Tomate: What is the tomato's fault?

This is song that was composed and presented by a singer from Chile on the times of the Spanish Civil War ,its Spanish words go like this:

La yerba de los caminos

La pisan los caminantes

Y a la mujer del obrero

La pisan cuatro tuantes

De esos que tienen dinero

Qué culpa tiene el tomate

Que está tranquilo en la mata

Y llega un hijo de puta

Y lo mete en una lata

Y lo manda pa Caracas

Los señores de la mina

Han comprado una romana

Para pesar el dinero

Que toditas las semanas

Le roben al pobre obrero.

Cuando querrá Dios el cielo

Que la tortilla se vuelva

Que la tortilla se vuelva,

Que los pobres coman pan
Y los ricos mierda, mierda...

I translated it to arabic , it goes this way:

حشائش السبيل يدوسها العابرون

و امرأة العامل يدوسها بضعة أنذال

من أولئك الذين يملكون المال

ما الذنب الذي اقترفته الطماطم

الماكثة بهدوء على شجيرتها

ثم يأتي ابن عاهرة و يضعهعا في علبة

و يرسلها إلى كاراكاس

مالكو المنجم اشتروا قباناً

ليكيلوا الاموال

التي يسرقونها على امتداد الاسابيع

من العامل الفقير

عندما يريد رب السماء

لعله يرجع الغذاء

لعل الفقراء يأكلون الخبز

و لعل الأغنياء يأكلون الخراء الخراء

Thats all what I have to say about what is happening in Jordan , in Syria , in Bahrain , in Libya and in the entire Arab world ... Sons of bitches steal the food of the people and people can no more accept being treated as trash.

Que Culpa tiene el tomate? what is the tomatos fault? what is the peoples fault ,,, we are not asking for much , its only : Dignity.

Alhambra: Again and again and again

Today I went to Alhambra again , with our usual guide Mari Carmen.

I took this picture on the bus stop. I never arrived late at any cultural activity here, but the bus just would arrive!! The group went inside Alcazaba without me and they left my name with the guy on the door. When I arrived I asked him: Did a group enter and leave a name? and he said: Yes , are you Takwa? .... Godddddd a guard in Alhambra had my name and was expecting me! How glorious is that?!
Those are the flags on the top of Torre de La Vela. They are not ordered as they are supposed. Starting from the left: Flag of European Union , Flag of Andalucia Region ,Flag of Spain , Flag of Granada. They put Andalucia ahead of Spain! Interesting!
Today I noticed a crack in the bell , and Mari Carmen said that the legend of women ringing the bell in January the 2nd in order to get married is just ridiculous. I think so as well! This day is one of two things: Its either the day in which Castilla ended the Arab-Muslim control and ended the occupation, or its the day in which tolerance and common living ended in Al Andalus once and for ever . Based on both interpretations women getting married is just a stupid concept that has nothing to do with the day!
See the empty space in the horizon ? Its a valley and the only crack in the belt of mountains that surround Granada . It was the place from where the Catholic kings entered a conquered Granada.

Those two symbols (Above and under) where moved in the core of the ceramics of Alhambra , the one above is the symbol of the Catholic Kings -the two headed eagle- and the one above is the symbol of the Nazari dynasty: There is no winner but God (what an ugly translation!!)

Those are some interesting symbols engraved on the walls, The pine symbolizes the union and the power that springs from it. The shell symbolizes the position of praying in which a servant of the lord curls and reflexes on his/her inside and connects with God .

I will always envy Washington Irving because he got to live in Alhambra while all I can is run in it trying to see things before the day is over.
This house is one of three houses left where people who worked for the royal family used to live.

I am a bit closer to the picture of me that I picture inside my head.
There is one more thing that does not have a photo but it is the most important and touching of all: Today I got to see the Lions of the Plaza de los Leones ... the lions that always appeared in all the pictures of Al Andalus. They are being reformed , and now they are being exhibited in a hall inside one of Alhambra's palaces ,, its surrounded with security , pictures cant be taken inside the hall , and in the back ground there was the attractive recorded voice of a man reciting arabic poetry in which the lions were mentioned.

Seeing them after all those years in reformation , knowing that they are still there is just comforting. The lion that they broke was lion number 4 , today I stood infront of him and I felt great to see him fine again.

I love my Alhambra ,,, I love the palace where I am the crowned queen of all that history.